Thursday, January 30, 2020
Controversial Subject Rebuttal Essay Example for Free
Controversial Subject Rebuttal Essay On August 29, 2005, the Gulf Coast was struck with one of the most unforgettable natural disasters in American History. The effects of Hurricane Katrina have been shattering and long-lasting. However, could the question been plausibly raised whether or not to rebuild New Orleans? Evidently it was. Lance Winslow, freelance writer, from California did just that in an article titled: Why did God Destroy New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina? Winslow states ââ¬Å"Many people believe that God was real angry at mankind and got a wild hair up his butt and sent Hurricane Katrina into the Gulf Shore and New Orleans to teach people a lessonâ⬠¦and if it was a lesson did the little human learn anything? It appears they did not. Humans in their ultimate defiance are rebuilding the city under sea level as beforeâ⬠(Winslow, n. d. ). Winslow included no resources or data to back his opinion. There can be no reliability or credibility attached to this article; however; for those who have been victims of Hurricane Katrina these words create an emotional anger, which is verbally indescribable. Loss of personal possessions are only one aspect of devastation, but the loss of homestead, life as it once was, people and places, which once represented home, and the cultures that make each person a unique individual are characteristics that can never be replaced. History and People of New Orleans Historically the people who inhabited early New Orleans came from many groups including Native American, French, African, and Caribbean islands. No group was dominant in the early days and there was a mixing of the cultures. From this mixing came a unique culture that influenced food, music, architecture, and language. New Orleans became one of Americasââ¬â¢ most unique cities with its multicultural influence and it joie de vivre (joy of life) attitude (A Brief History of New Orleans, n. d. ). The Act of God In the Acts of God department: the catastrophe in New Orleans is the result of human error, not divine malice. Hurricane Katrinaââ¬â¢s winds and rain were naturally disastrous, there is no question. However, the massive and catastrophic destruction that affected this beloved city was a result of flooding that occurred because of the failure of the levees. The primary responsibility for that tragic turn of events, and for fixing it, lies directly with the U. S.à Army Corps of Engineers, who have admitted as much (Piazza, 2006) . Anyone that asks the question should New Orleans be rebuilt needs to consider, what happens to the people in San Francisco when it gets destroyed again by an earthquake? Should the government tell them, Sorry, you should have not built on a fault line. What will be done when Los Angeles is ravaged by wildfires and mudslides? How should the government proceed in helping other citizenââ¬â¢s homeland or any other national treasure? Economic Reasons Those who argue the question whether to rebuild New Orleans also fail to consider the costs associated with abandoning New Orleans. The country would suffer economically with its abandonment: more than 500 million tons of cargo comes through the port of New Orleans each year, and 13% of the imported petroleum enters the United States through the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (Villere, n. d. ). Certainly anyone who relies on the import and export of grain, textiles, hard or dry goods of any sort, electronics, and automobiles, which is to say anyone in the United States, depends on the health of New Orleans as a port. Anyone who uses petroleum products should recognize the importance of New Orleans and Louisiana in general to supply oil. It would be amiss to forget to mention that the Gulf Coast is second only to Alaska as a source of seafood (Piazza, 2006). For those who have taken this attitude, it sounds as if they are just writing off the United part of the United States. To paraphrase Ben Franklin, ââ¬Å"We must all hang together or we will certainly hang separately. â⬠President George W. Bush on September 16, 2005, while standing in Jackson Square, in the heart of the French Quarter, stated ââ¬Å"All who question the future of the Crescent City need to know: There is no way to imagine America without New Orleans and this great city will rise againâ⬠(Taipei Times, 2005) .
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Black Rhinoceros :: essays research papers
THE BLACK RHINOCEROS ~An endangered species~ à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à By à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Prepared for: à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 4th Hour Language Arts à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à January 2, 2001 The black rhinoceros or rhinos are a very unique animal of Africa. They are important for the balance of nature. They are a large stocky animal. Their size is 5 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder and 10 to 12 feet long. Their weight can range in from 1,000 to 3,000 pounds. Rhinos are naturally gray in color but will often take on the color of the local soil. The horn of a rhino is not a true horn. It is not attached to the skull. It grows from the skin and is made up of keratin fibers, the same materials found in hair and finger nails. Black rhinos have a prehensile lip that is used much like a finger to select and pick the leaves and twigs they prefer to eat. Their habitat is in the bushy plains, rugged hills, and scrublands in isolated areas of Central and South Africa. Rhinos are heavy browsers that hinder woody plants from dominating their habitat. This is important because it allows grasses to grow, which provide food for many other animals on the grassy plains. Black rhinos travel alone except while breeding or raising offspring. Juveniles remain with the mother until they are completely weaned, just before a new a baby is born. à à à à à Young rhinos are occasionally prey for many items for large carnivores such as lions and hyenas. People of some cultures believe that rhino horns contain medicinal properties. This is most likely not true but is one of the primary reasons rhinos are poached.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Ergonomic Tools Assessing Musculoskeletal Injury Health And Social Care Essay
Musculoskeletal hurt ( MSI ) as define by Part 4, subdivision 4.46 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation of as an hurt or upset of the musculuss, sinews, ligaments, articulations, nervousnesss, blood vass or related soft tissue including a strain, sprain and redness, that may be caused or aggravated by work. Musculoskeletal hurt ( MSI ) has become, a common type of hurt in the workplace ensuing in lost in productiveness in many industries. There are a figure of ergonomic tools available for measuring the hazard of musculoskeletal hurt. Of these tools, I have decided to concentrate and discourse three ( 3 ) , they are: ââ¬â Rapid full organic structure appraisal ( REBA ) was developed by Sue Hignett and Lynn McAtamney as a postural analysis system sensitive to musculoskeletal hazards in a assortment of undertakings. It divides the organic structure into sections to be coded separately with mention to motion planes. It provides a marking system for musculus activity caused by inactive, rapid changing, dynamic or unstable positions. REBA plants by detecting places of single organic structure sections. The more divergences from the impersonal position, the higher the mark of each organic structure portion. There are two ( 2 ) groups that are combined, group A includes bole, cervix and legs and group B upper and lower weaponries and legs. The 144 position combinations are transformed to a general postural mark. Additionally, burden handed, matching with the local handled and physical activity are observed and scored. These tonss are entire up to hold one mark for each observation and so compared to tabular arraies saying hazard on five degrees ( negligible ââ¬â really high ) and actions needed ( none ââ¬â necessary now ) . Quick Exposure Check ( QEC ) is scored by delegating values to a figure of ââ¬ËObserver ââ¬Ë and ââ¬ËWorker ââ¬Ë factors. For each of four organic structure parts ( back, shoulder, carpus and cervix ) , several braces of variables are fed into a search tabular array to bring forth a series of sub-scores that are so totaled to bring forth a mark for that organic structure portion. You can measure both manual handling and non-manual handling undertakings which do non affect back motion. QEC follows five ( 5 ) stairss: Measure 1 ââ¬â Self Training ââ¬â first clip users must read the User Guide to understand the nomenclature and assessment classs that are used in the check-list. Measure 2 ââ¬â Perceiver ââ¬Ës Assessment Check-list ââ¬â the individual detecting a peculiar undertaking uses the perceiver ââ¬Ës assessment check-list to carry on a hazard appraisal. One complete work rhythm is observed before doing an appraisal. If a undertaking can non easy be broken down into undertakings, the ââ¬Ëworst ââ¬Ë event within that occupation when a peculiar organic structure portion in inquiry is most to a great extent loaded should be observed. The appraisal can be carried out by direct observation or by utilizing video footage. Measure 3 ââ¬â Worker ââ¬Ës Assessment Check-list ââ¬â the worker being observed must finish the ââ¬Ëworkers assessment ââ¬Ë check-list. Measure 4 ââ¬â Calculation of Exposure Scores ââ¬â utilizing the ââ¬Ëtable of exposure tonss ââ¬Ë to cipher the exposure scores for each undertaking. Circle all the letters matching to the replies from the ââ¬Ëobserver ââ¬Ës appraisal ââ¬Ë and the ââ¬Ëworker ââ¬Ës appraisal ââ¬Ë . Mark the Numberss at the traversing point of every brace of circled letters. Calculate a entire mark for each organic structure portion. Measure 5 ââ¬â Consideration of Actions ââ¬â QEC rapidly identifies the exposure degrees for the dorsum, shoulder, arm, carpus, manus and cervix and it evaluates an ergonomic intercessions can efficaciously cut down these exposure. 2.3 Ovako Working Posture Analysis System ââ¬â OWAS Ovako Working Posture Analysis System ( OWAS ) is a method of coding the position of a worker that allows the injuriousness of the position to be categorized into four ( 4 ) action classs of increasing urgency. It is based upon adept opinions of the injuriousness of peculiar positions. A clip based trying attack can be used with it so that the classification can take history of the length of clip spent in any peculiar position ( Karhu et al. , 1977, 1981, Kivi and Mattila, 1991, Vedder, 1998 ) . Puting the codifications for the four ( 4 ) sections in the sequence of back, legs, tonss and weaponries form the overall position codification. A evaluation system categorizes seventy two ( 72 ) different positions in footings of uncomfortableness caused, and the attempt on wellness. Back positions are defined as either consecutive set, directly and distorted, or set and distorted. OWAS identifies the most common work positions for the dorsum, which includes four positions ; weaponries three positions, legs seven positions and the weight of the burden handled three classs. The four ( 4 ) action classs listed below shows the wellness jeopardies of each work position or position combination in the OWAS method on the musculoskeletal system: ââ¬â Work positions are considered normally with no peculiar harmful consequence on the musculoskeletal system. No actions are needed to alter work positions. Work positions have some harmful consequence on the musculoskeletal system. Light emphasis, no immediate action is necessary, but alterations should be considered in future planning. Work positions have a clearly harmful consequence on the musculoskeletal system. The working methods involved should be changed every bit shortly as possible. Positions during work have a high harmful consequence on the musculoskeletal system. Solutions should be found instantly to cut down these positions. 2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Tools Tool Advantage Disadvantage QEC Provides wellness and safety practicians with a user friendly assessment tool with good cogency. Helps carry organisations to do ergonomic alterations. Involves both the practician and the worker in the appraisal, thereby supplying a Fuller apprehension of working patterns. It is straightforward, speedy and easy to utilize. Is compatible with HSE hazard appraisal. Conjectural exposure scores with the suggested ââ¬Ëaction degrees ââ¬Ë demand validating. Extra preparation and pattern may be needed for novitiate users to better appraisal dependability. Method focuses on physical workplace factors merely. REBA Low cost and an effectual method. User friendly. If valid or accurate can supply valuable penetration into working conditions. Validity and dependability may be low in relation to specific demands for ergonomic appraisal. Can be biased. Time consuming ( both right and left manus hold to be assessed individually ) . OWAS Enables comparings with old research in similar scenes. Easy to utilize and use with high dependability in field probes. It is suited to measure dynamic, risky working positions of workers while traveling about their workstations. Time consuming. Does non divide right and left upper appendages. Requires thorough preparation. Appraisals of cervix, cubituss and carpuss are losing. Does non see repeat or continuance of the consecutive position. 2.5 Critical Analysis of Tools REBA, QEC and OWAS are all check-list type tools. The lone tools needed to execute this type of appraisal are a pencil and paper. All three ( 3 ) REBA, QEC and OWAS besides exist as computing machine plans, so you can input informations collected directly into the package to cipher the overall mark. REBA can measure position, burden, force and motion frequence whereas, QEC assesses position, burden, force, motion frequence, continuance, recovery, quiver, etc. and OWAS merely assesses position, burden and force. REBA, QEC and OWAS use ordinal marking systems and so unite the tonss for different hazard factors. REBA and OWAS were design to bring forth an appraisal of the urgency of remedial action for the undertaking being assessed utilizing action classs. QEC has an exact mathematical theoretical account implicit in its construction with fluctuations in burdening between factors. REBA and OWAS are performed by one individual who understands how the assessment tool is used, whereas QEC is carried out both by the affected employee and the individual making the appraisal. When executing anyone of these three ( 3 ) tools, the user must understand to the full the map and nomenclature used, or the appraisal will non be accurate. OWAS has a broad scope of utilizations but the consequences can be low in item. REBA was developed specifically with sensitiveness to unpredictable on the job positions. REBA does non cover in item with lower limb place. REBA distinguishes between greater or less than 20 grades of flexure of the caput and cervix but non farther. Both REBA and QEC create overall tonss from a mixture of hazard factors specific to the upper limb and to the lower dorsum. These three ( 3 ) techniques ( REBA, QEC and OWAS ) are easy and speedy to utilize, comprehensive and dependable to measure exposures and can be flexible adequate to be applied to a scope of occupations. Observational or subjective opinion techniques such as REBA, QEC and OWAS are non more dependable than direct measuring techniques. Decision There are a figure of tools used in the appraisal of musculoskeletal hurt in the workplace. It is of import to measure these state of affairss in order to forestall hurt to workers. The three tools discussed before are a good illustration of common check-list type tools that can measure the hazard of musculoskeletal hurts in the workplace in a quantitative manner. It is of import when taking an ergonomic tool, that it is right for the occupation. There is no, best tool for any one occupation but, one must make up one's mind on the best attack to what needs to be done. Rapid Entire Body Assessment ( REBA ) , Quick Exposure Check ( QEC ) and Ovako Working Posture Analysis System ( OWAS ) use ordinal marking systems and so unite the tonss for different hazard factors. Rapid Entire Body Assessment ( REBA ) and Ovako Working Posture Analysis System ( OWAS ) uses action classs based on four ( 4 ) and five ( 5 ) point ordinal graduated tables to give an appraisal of the urgency of remedial action for the undertaking. While the Quick Exposure Check ( QEC ) has an exact mathematical theoretical account implicit in its construction with fluctuations in burdening between factors. Even though Quick Exposure Check ( QEC ) has non yet been validated it has been wildly and often used along with Rapid Entire Body Assessment ( REBA ) and Ovako Working Posture Analysis System ( OWAS ) .
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Phi/105 Week 8 Final Project Outline - 793 Words
SLIDE 1 INTRODUCTION IS THERE AN AFTERLIFE? DOES IT HAVE AN AFFECT THE WAY WE LIVE NOW? AMANDA DUKE PHI 105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLIDE 2 DESCARTES (1596-1650) ââ¬Å"I THINK; THEREFOR I AMâ⬠THE ONTILOGICAL ARGUMENT: A method of proof which uses intuition and reason alone; examines the concept of God, and states if we can conceive of the greatest possible being, then it must exist. Speaker Notes: Descartes had strong belief in dualism; meaning that one possess materialistic and non-materialistic form such as body and soul. Dualism allows for the survival of the non-material element (soul), that the soul is immortal and continues after the death of the body.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Who has determined these set of morals and that they are the right way of living? People are going to do what makes them happy. If believing in morals and having faith make a person feel better and in turn they live a happy life. ------------------------------------------------- SLIDE 8 Plato The main goal of life is for the soul to permanently leave the body. A person must constantly seek knowledge and not become preoccupied with the physical world. Speakers Note: Plato believed that the body was only a temporary vehicle for the soul. Death was the separation of the incorporeal part of living person, the soul, from the physical part, the body. After death the soul is guided to the next realm by guardian spirits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLIDE 9 Too many questionsâ⬠¦ What knowledge does a body need for the afterlife? Who decides why that knowledge is important? Speaker Notes: What Plato is saying is that a person must spend their entire life trying to understand what else there could be instead of living for what we have now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLIDE 10 My Th oughtsâ⬠¦ Life after death? Is there a reason for living in the now if the life after death is supposed to be so much better? Speaker notes: If we were to use our entire lives now to obtainShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography: Plagiarism39529 Words à |à 158 Pagesconference presentations, organisational websites or in journals like BJET. It is essential that we distinguish between the work that has been carried out by others and the work and the writing that is due to our original efforts. Most research projects will start with a comprehensive study of the literature to determine what has been found in the past, and it is that foundation that will inform the subsequent work. 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Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Please visit our web site at ISBN 0ââ¬â536ââ¬â72690ââ¬â6 BA 996748 PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company iii iv Table of Contents SECTION ONE Read MoreManagement Course: MbaâËâ10 General Management215330 Words à |à 862 Pagesperformance costs and that forecasting programs confront in establishing the economic determinants of corporate planning? In addition to these challenges, many analytical and strategic evaluation approaches that are used in an attempt to identify and project how well a company is performing have been overwhelmed by the frequency and magnitude of these economic groundswells. In todayââ¬â¢s competitive climate, where the changes outside a business exceed the productive changes within a business, a companyââ¬â¢sRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words à |à 820 PagesMember of the Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To our grandchildren Annika, Jacob, Katherine, Madison, Magnus, and Molly Contents Illustrations . . . . . Preface . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgments . The Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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